With the product checkout link and/or button, you are able to utilize outside platforms and pages/websites to capture customers and send them directly to the checkout with a particular product or product set already in their order flow. This is a powerful streamlined way to get a customer directly to check out with the product and leaves no room for distractions or leakage
In order to access the product checkout link & button, you will start by going to the products dashboard of your store. Find the product that you want to generate the link and button for and within the More Actions icon, there you will find an option to select Checkout Link.
You are able to select different product variants that you have previously created for the product. You must select a variant before the button and html code is available. You can adjust the button title, copy the checkout link, as well as copy the HTML code of the ‘buy now’ button.
This is useful for leveraging outside platforms like social media as well as outside websites like landing or lead generation pages. Check out the video below to get a better understanding of how to access this feature:
Please contact our customer support at [email protected] or by simply clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen if you have any questions or issues