In the world of e-commerce, the most important thing is how easy it is for visitors to browse and navigate through the store. That is why you need to pay attention to the “look & feel” of your IES store and make it appealing at first sight.
We will show you how to do it in the next video:
STEP #1 - Login to your Instant eCom Store account to reach your IES dashboard.
Under Account Level controls on the left of your screen, make sure to click on the Dashboard tab to open it. Scroll down to find the “Appearance” tile and click on it.

This will open the “Appearance” settings, where you will be able to customize the look of your IES Store. It will look like this:

There are 3 tabs inside “Appearance Settings”:
- General tab
- Menu tab
- Color Scheme tab
STEP #2 - Under General tab, you will be able to:
- Upload a new logo - to do so just drag and drop the file into the section “Upload Logo”, or upload it using two other options: “Upload from URL” or “Choose file”. The recommended image size is 150x150 pixels. Supported image formats are .jpg and .png.
- Request a Logo Design service - if you don’t have a logo, you can order it from our design team here and we will design it to match your store requirements.
- Upload a mobile-specific logo - it is strongly recommended to upload this version of the logo because mobile optimization is all that matters in the e-commerce world nowadays. Note that the recommended image size for the mobile-specific logo is 300x90 pixels and supported image formats are .jpg and .png.
- Change the storage page maximum width (in pixels)
- Change the related product’s title, color, and font size.
- Change the featured product’s title, color, and font size.
Make sure to click the “Save changes” button once you are done with all the adjustments. Or you can use the “Reset” button to reverse all the changes you’ve made.
You can preview the changes you’ve made by clicking your store’s name in the upper right corner:

STEP #3 - Under Menu tab, you will be able to add/remove/change the main navigation menus, which appear in the store like this:

In order to enable a Menu Item and to show it on your store, you need to check the box next to it, for example: enable “Featured” Menu Item like this:

Alternatively, you can add new Menu Items of your own choice, by clicking the “+” button and it will open a new window to add the Menu Item name (Label) and its URL. You can also choose to select the “open in a new window” option.

You can enable multiple Menu Items and drag and drop them to change their appearance order.
Make sure to click the “Save changes” button once you are done with all the adjustments.
STEP #4 - Under Color Scheme tab, you will be able to:
- Change the colors for: header, menu, footer, background and mobile header.
You can select the colors by clicking on them and choosing the desired color like it is shown here:

The other option is to copy the color codes and paste them into the color code fields. In order to get the appropriate color codes, you can consult your designer or you can find some inspiration in this HTML Color Picker List and choose them on your own.
- Add the background image - the background image is not essential for a mobile store view, but you can still keep it for the desktop view. Once you upload it, you will be able to set the background image position and switch it off/on for the mobile view.
Important note regarding the mobile view: Switching custom background ON will significantly reduce the loading speed of your mobile store.
Make sure to click the “Save changes” button once you are done with all the adjustments.
Once you are done with all the changes in all three “Appearance Settings” tabs, preview them in your store and make sure that all fit well together.
*Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to our Support team by clicking the chat icon at the bottom right of the page, we’re always happy to help.